Wednesday, January 30, 2008

ハレ晴レユカイ, Hare Hare Yukai

If you like anime or manga, I'm pretty sure you've heard about this song. If you haven't... well, this song was chosen as an ending song for the anime called 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu) [The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi], launched in april 2006.

The curious ending has become quite popular among fans cuz of the choreography performed by the characters of the same anime, broadcasted as closing credits. If you go any video sharing website, you will findtons of videos ( parodies or fanmade) based on this ending. I wonder if it's a good idea to make one myself
(゚∇^*) テヘ♪...

Somehow I feel this song wakes me up
。o@(^-^)@o。ニコッ♪ . Anyway, in Japan it's very usual when an anime becomes popular to make a special "Live", where the voice performers (seiyuu) get together to give a show to the many fans of the serie. In the Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu show, the seiyuus of the anime performed together the Hare Hare Yukai dance. I think it was one of the best ideas ever.....

Akihabara ( otaku's paradise) is the main point for any fan to play anything you want to show, curious !!! how just 2 cops are enough to stop a whole mass, no doubt japanese have great respect for authorities O(≧▽≦)O ワーイ♪

and one of the best massive performance I've ever seen...until now... no cops now....(..)(^^)(^。^)(*^o^)(^O^)ウレシーーー!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

First Blog FTW!!! Fantastic Plastic Machine "Superflat Monogram"

Welcome to this blog, the blog of eve's adventures in boreland. exactly should we begin??? O.o

"Bei allem, was man tut, was immer auch geschieht, es beginnt mit dem ersten Schritt; mutig oder zögernd, freudig oder ängstlich, erwartungsvoll oder skeptisch - der erste Schritt muss getan werden, sonst gibt es keinen Anfang".

(Im Land des Blauen Vogels, Utta Danella)

Sometimes it is hard to begin, sometimes it is not; it all depends on how sure you are of yourself, it all depends on how prepared you feel to accept all what this new beginning represents.

So as if this blog would have been forever...

Superflat Monogram is the title of an ad from Louis Vuitton, leather stuff company, directed by takahashi murakami, also one of the person who worked in making this video was mamoru hosoda, director of digimon. This video is an adaptation of alice's adventures in wonderland. enjoy it, let's boogie psychedelicly,music: Different Colors by Fantastic Plastic Machine, thx to technoboi11